
Dear Matt...

"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you"
~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Oh, but that Elizabeth lady had a way with the words.
You truly made me a better person.
You made me a happy one.
My life is hard to justify right now.
With you, I had a reason for being, a reason for living.
Now, I have to stay busy.
Because it hurts too much to stand still and take in everything that has happened in the last couple of months.
I want to forget.
I want to go to sleep for as long as it takes for me to wake up next to you.
I hurt everywhere.
I hurt inside and out.
Even my fingers hurt.
Sometimes I want to throw something.
All this pressure builds up inside and I want to destroy something.
Just the way I am destroyed.
I want to scream!
I want to shout!
I want to explode into tiny unrecognizable bits!
I want to cease!
I just want to...
I just want ...
I just want you!
Just you.
Oh, Boo, I think the anger is catching up.
I am just so furious at the injustice of it all.
Why were you taken?
Did Heavenly Father take you away because you were too good for me?
Did I not deserve you?
I honestly don't think I did.
I honestly think you deserved so much more than me.
Maybe that's why you are gone.
I just wasn't good enough, Boo
You were so much more than me.
So much better than me.
I'm sorry I wasn't what you needed, what you deserved.
I'm sorry, Boo.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
And it hurts.
It's tearing me up slowly and twisting around, shattering me to nothing.
It's the worst kind of agony.
This is the worst kind of life.


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