
Dear Matt...

I miss you. I got a Church calling on Sunday. I teach Primary, 5 year old.
Can you believe someone is trusting me with these malleable minds? :)
I trying to be good. I'm tyring to be strong. But it's so hard.
I smell the orange blossoms and I think of you.
It was your favorite smell.
Today, I had to lock up late by myself, and I missed you so much.
You took care of me, always.
You were always there when I needed you, no matter what.
Boo, I feel so bad that I wasn't around more for you in that last month.
If I had known, I would never have left your side.
I would have been nicer, I would have told you everyday how happy you had made me.
I would have been more patient.
You deserved so much better than me.
I know you did.
You know you did.
I'm so sorry, Boo. I'm so sorry for being me.
I should have been better. I should have tried harder.
But you never showed me you were sorry you married me.
I was so lucky to have you.
I know that I will never find another like you.
There is no one who I can love that will love me as much and as unconditionally as you did.
Boo, I need your help. I need your strength.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
I had that dream a while ago and now I'm so confused about what I feel, if I really feel like that. Or was it caused by the dream?
I feel like I cheated.
I just don't know.
But I do know that it just wouldn't work, right?
We're too different.
I don't know, Boo, but I need help.
I need some guidance, and who better than the smartest man I know, right?
I love you.

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